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Climate and Finance

Here you can find resources to help you explore the theme of Climate and Finance in prayer, in commitment to action and in joining others to call for the ethical use of financial resources. The following resources have been put together by the team at Operation Noah, a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis.




Prayers: for particular times in services (intercession, adoration, confession, dedication) or for individual prayer.

Prayer for ethical investment (adapted from a prayer by Lya Vollering): 

Dear Lord, we belong to you. All that we are and have is yours. Help us to safeguard all that you have given into our care. Pour out the power of your love, that we may protect all that is vulnerable: Mother Earth and all her creatures. Send your Holy Spirit to those of us who have been given the responsibility over money and resources. Help us to invest wisely in all that nourishes and protects, harming no one. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. Amen


Laudato Si Prayer

Ecological Examen by Joseph Carver SJ

  • All creation reflects the beauty and blessing of God’s image. Where was I most aware of this today?

  • Can I identify how I made a conscious effort to care for God’s creation during this day?

  • What challenges or joys do I experience as I recall my care for creation?

  • How can I repair breaks in my relationship with creation, in my unspoken sense of superiority?

  • As I imagine tomorrow, I ask for the grace to see the Incarnate Christ in the dynamic interconnectedness of all creation.


Hymns and songs – which fit with the theme and can be used in individual or corporate worship. 


Videos – for use in services or sharing online:




  • Speak with other members of your church about the climate crisis and the importance of fossil fuel divestment.

  • Ask your church minister or treasurer if divestment can be discussed at your next church council or PCC meeting.

  • If your church makes a divestment commitment, let Operation Noah know and communicate the decision to national/regional Church investors in your denomination.

  • Join the next global joint divestment announcement for faith organisations in May 2021.

  • Spread the word: publicise your decisions in the media, including local press and radio, faith-based publications and social media. This will inspire others and multiply your impact.

  • Connect with others campaigning for divestment in your Church denomination to increase your impact. Get in touch with Operation Noah to find out more.

  • Find out more about how your pension is being invested and switch to the ethical option wherever possible.


Visit Operation Noah’s Bright Now campaign website for more information about fossil fuel divestment and investment in clean alternatives.

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